Carol Fisher
Depression does not always look like a weepy puddle of tears. The disease is wiley, though, and tricks my brain into believing untruths, skewing my perspective, affecting my self-esteem and, in turn, my relationships. It causes me to feel fluish and achy, induces insomnia and hypersomnia, affects my eating habits, and generally turns a good portion of my days into opposite day. Whoever I should be, I am not. Still, I am a happy and optimistic depressive. No matter how incongruous that seems. As anyone else with an illness I am suffering symptoms. Symptoms that can make me not-me. And can badly inhibit my ability to function.
Too many words? Click over to my Instagram page and look at pictures instead. I am a hobbyist photographer. A pursuit that gives me immense joy. And pain. As does writing. All photos on this site are mine, unless otherwise indicated.